
Newspoem 17 March 1996

Everyone was submerged in newspapers. A gigantic block of news had broken loose from the polar regions and slid acorss Canada. It melted slowly, releasing floods of information rendering the flatlands of Illinois into damp pulp. Bob Dole came over to NewsPoetry Intranational in the middle of the night, his tie askew, his eyes wild, his fair fucked up, to make a statement to East Central Illnois newspaper machines, men's restroom stalls, and the entire distribution of NewsPoems Jack Kevorkian was with him, but I made the doctor wait outside. St. Patrick's Day is inexplicable to all of usMarion Berry is suggesting closing a prison and transferring the inamets to private lockups. A Grand Jury indicted the Detroit Mafia. Clinton pledged $100 million to Israel. The American Cancer Society reports that the lifetime risk of the most dangerous form of skin cancer has gone up 900% since 1930.

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