Nine Ways to say "But"

"I'm not going to be discussing deployment or defences issues," she said.

As usual, she is accompanied by her military aide, a U.S. air force general.


Albright said: "I think an important time to consult with them about how we deal with the threat to the region posed by Saddam Hussein's recent behaviour... I am looking forward to having very extensive discussions."

The George Washington carries 50 F-14 and F-18 attack jets and some 20 radar, electronic warfare and other support planes, the Nimitz has 50 attack jets and nearly 20 support aircraft which are pursuing international efforts to settle the dispute diplomatically.


As for the Iraqi newspaper's call for attacks on U.S. and British targets, Albright said "threatening us or anyone else is not the answer here."

Rather, Saddam must comply with U.N. demands, she said, or face the consequences.


The United States mounted a massive international campaign to defend the Gulf states, and their critical oil resources, from Saddam.

But there have been signs for some time that Saudi Arabia is increasingly uncomfortable with the U.S. presence.


The United States and Britain are sending forces to strengthen their power in the Gulf

Despite opposition by some U.N. Security Council members to a strike on Iraq.


The United Nations Security Resolutions against Iraq are some of the only resolutions the U.S. has supported in the past decade

But the U.S. is significantly indebted to the U.N. as the U.S. hasn't been paying its dues.


President Bill Clinton has ordered a second U.S. aircraft carrier to move within striking distance of Iraq.


France has called Baghdad's decision unacceptable and said it could have "serious consequences" for Iraq,

But has refrained from backing military action to force President Saddam Hussein to reverse his stance.


"This is simply too dangerous an issue that would set too powerful a precedent about the impotence of the United Nations if we didn't proceed on this," he said during a White House photo-opportunity.
