25 March 1999
William Gillespie Mike Lehman & NATO
Radio Free Kosovo

all times GMT (UTC) } at 15:05. . . . .
naked aggression . . . . . incomprehensible.....tragic mistake. . .
. .It will clearly be much more costly and dangerous to stop later than
this effort to prevent it from going further now.....
. . . . { REACH QUEBEC 1 trying to get phone-patch }........
. . . . . In Russia there is deep shock at the military actions of NATO
against sovereign Yugoslavia, which is nothing other than naked aggression.....
You dirty monkey !...........Hands off our Serbia ! . . . . .............
. . . . . Shut up you dirty pig ! . . . . ................... . . .
. prevent it from going further now.. . . . .
. . . F@ck off NATO ! . . . .
.................. at 15:11........... . . . . adequate measures, including
of a military character, to ensure its own and general European security.....
Shut up you dirty monkey ! . . . .
.................... at 16:29 { GOLD 104 on phone-patch } ....... .
. . . You dirty monkey ! Shut up ! . . . . .. . . . .after extensive
and repeated efforts to obtain a peaceful solution to the crisis in
. . . . { garbled }
....f@cking hands off our Serbia !
. . . . . at 18:13 { nobody on-air }.... . . . . { garbled } f@cking
{ garbled } hands off our Serbia ! . . . . . .....
[MilCom] Again Serb? the country which is attacked must have weapons
to defend itself. . . on 11.175
Date: Wed,
24 Mar 1999 17:38:23 +0100
It is indeed tragic that diplomacy has failed, but there
are times when the use of force may be legitimate in the pursuit of
peace. But as secretary-general I have many times pointed out, not just
in relation to Kosovo, that under the (U.N.) Charter, the Security Council
has primary responsibility for maintaining international peace and security.
This is explicitly acknowledged in the North Atlantic Treaty
Hi All I just recieved this on 11.175
...(T)He American monkeys hands off from Serbia . . . . . fuck of fuck
this took please on 16.26z Gold 104 was in phone patch with USAFE Amarc
at that time.
POS:52.51n 06.36e . . . . .
. . . . .I ask for the prayers of all Americans for our men and women
in uniform in the area,. . . . . . . . . .However, I have concluded
that the dangers of˜. . . . . fucking . . . . .˜now are clearly
outweighed by the risks of failing to act . . . . . . . . . .not risk-free..
. . . .
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