
newspoetry20040925 Saturday, September 25, 2004 Posted: 12:32 PM EDT (1632 GMT)

In the Democratic radio address response, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi slammed the Bush administration over its policy on Iraq, using at least one complete sentence, CNN reported a few minutes ago.

"Republicans should remember that the reason Osama bin Laden is still able to threaten the United States, three years after the September 11 attacks, is the utter failure of the Bush administration to capture bin Laden and to destroy his terrorist network," Pelosi said.

President Bush responded in sentence fragments, and a bulleted list displaying awkward if not faulty parallelism.

  • "completing the mission so that Iraq is stable and self-governing, and American troops can come home with the honor they have earned."
  • The transfer of power to a government of Iraqi citizens, accomplished June 28.
  • Helping Iraq's new government train and employ more than 200,000 security personnel by 2005.
  • Improving Iraq's infrastructure.
  • Enlisting more international help for Iraq's "transition to democracy."
  • To conduct free national elections no later than January.

"Iraq, America, and our coalition will stand firm, and Iraq will be free, the world will be more peaceful, and America will be more secure," Bush said, deploying a comma splice to condense several underdeveloped abstractions into a single syntax.

Complete sentences marched on the White House today, waving books and reading aloud chants with no discernable rhyme or meter.

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